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Imagem impressionante
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Onde estamos?

  • R. Ana Neri, 416 - Benfica

  • Seg - Sex: 8:00h às 16:00h


Early learning programs

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Imagem impressionante

Play Group

2 - 3 Years

Play Group

2 - 3 Years

Indignation and dislike men who are so beguileds demoralized by that of pleasure.

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Imagem impressionante


3 - 4 Years


3 - 4 Years

Indignation and dislike men who are so beguileds demoralized by that of pleasure.

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Imagem impressionante


2 - 3 Years


2 - 3 Years

Indignation and dislike men who are so beguileds demoralized by that of pleasure.

  • Innovative Study

    To take a trivial example which of us ever undertakes laborious physical.

  • Skilled & Caring Staff

    Laborious physical to take a trivial example which of us ever undertakes.

  • Good Environment

    Which of us ever undertakes. Laborious physical to take a trivial example.

  • Nationally Accredited

    Ever undertakes laborious physical to take a trivial which of us example.

Our Pre-School. Our Family. Join Our Community Today.

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Imagem impressionante
About Us

Leader in early
childhood care and

Denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound through shrinking.

  • Researched & Analyzed Profile

  • Qualified and passionate support team.

  • Individual attention for kids

Fun facts

Quality of our kindergarten

  • Centers in City

  • Students Enrolled

  • Caring Staff

  • Experienced


Making your
child’s world’s better

Imagem impressionante

Denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled.

Imagem impressionante

Righteous indignation and dislike men who are so denounce with beguiled.

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Who are so beguiled denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men.

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Indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled denounce with righteous.

Our Fees

Fees for our new cohort

*Terms & Conditions.
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Play Group

  • Registration
  • Monthly Fees
  • Annual Insurance
  • Mattress Cover - 2 sets
  • Uniform - 4 sets
*Terms & Conditions.
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  • Annual Insurance
  • Mattress Cover - 2 sets
  • Registration
  • Monthly Fees
  • Uniform - 4 sets
*Terms & Conditions.
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  • Mattress Cover - 2 sets
  • Uniform - 4 sets
  • Registration
  • Monthly Fees
  • Annual Insurance
What’s Up

Great activities for kids


Parent & family testimonials


Our dedicated nannies

Ian Hudson


Lillian Stella


Luis Kaiden


Anna Naomi

ceo co founder

Get call back
to enquire with us


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    Demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment so by desire that they cannot foresee.